• TfL & Google Maps collaborate to make cycling better for Londoners & world (TfL) • Glasgow Subway services could soon run later (Glasgow Live) • ULEZ already raising air quality at 144 more London schools (OnLondon) • German cities offering free public transport to drivers turning in their licence (EuroNews) • East West Rail construction progress, incl. Great Central Ry segment…
Health effects of transport noise (TransportReviews)
The relationship between transport noise and health outcomes is complex, in part because of the large number of factors involved as well as the range of health impacts, both direct and indirect. To enable the reader to come to grips with the complexity, we have divided the health outcomes into groups: those that are more directly linked to transport noise…
Confused Compilation For Cuwes
Southern Vectis Intruder Not part of the recent running day, the above vehicle was operating Service 1 to Cowes on service; fairly obvious really, if you look at the blind. LK58 CWO was previously with GoAhead London … …. and is standing in for some new buses which are, surprise surprise, running late! Isle of Wight Alan does not know…
Sunday Variety
The Newest Steam Loco In The World! There is something of a craze (a VERY expensive craze!) for building brand new steam locos, examples of “iconic” classes of the past built new – from scratch. The most recent potential candidate is is Prince of Wales … LNER Class P2 No. 2007 Prince of Wales is a 2-8-2 “Mikado” steam locomotive being…
The delicate balance between escalator speed, capacity, & safety (CityMonitor)
If we want to increase escalator capacity, why don’t we just run them faster? Well, here’s why. On long escalators, the vast majority of people don’t want to walk. Thus, huge queues build up at the bottom of the escalator as large numbers of people try to squeeze onto the right-hand side, so that they can stand in line as…
€2m funding for trolleybuses of the future (Trolley:Motion)
Oliver Luksic, Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister for Digital Affairs and Transport, today handed over a funding commitment of over 2 million euros to the LibroDuct AAO consortium. The research team is working on battery-operated trolleybuses that can connect and disconnect wires fully automatically while driving and can therefore also be used on sections without overhead lines. Saarbrücken, September…
Renfe aims to build solar plants to power trains (RailTech)
Spanish railway operator Renfe plans to build a 20 MW solar panel facility to power its trains, after which many will follow. Most of the generated electricity will be used for train traction, with any excess power being sold on the market. Renfe will invest almost 27 million euros in the construction of the plant, which will be located in…
US FRA requiring locomotive image & audio recording for passenger trains (RailwayAge)
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) on Oct. 12 announced that it is requiring the installation of inward- and outward-facing locomotive image recording devices on all lead locomotives in passenger trains, as required by the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. According to FRA, the final rule, which is effective Nov. 13, 2023, “requires that these devices record while a lead locomotive…
Real time translation display helps tourists navigate Tokyo’s Metro (EuroNews)
Sayonara language barriers! semi-transparent display translations pop up simultaneously With more than two million visitors flocking to Japan last month in the wake of the country’s post-pandemic reopening, railway companies are gearing up to warmly greet the influx of global travellers. Seibu Railway, one of the country’s large railroad companies, is implementing a new simultaneous translation system to help foreign…
VAT tax benefit for night trains (BackOnTrack)
A 0% VAT rate and reduced track access charges for night trains could help Europeans save on travel costs, whilst also cutting back on emissions. In this briefing paper, Back-on-Track Europe and Transport & Environment are showing how the EU and Member States can easily reduce the price of a cross-border night train ticket and push for the creation of new…