{"id":2950,"date":"2023-07-11T02:30:36","date_gmt":"2023-07-11T02:30:36","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/camcab.co.uk\/redesign\/paladin-four-and-after-2\/"},"modified":"2023-07-11T02:30:36","modified_gmt":"2023-07-11T02:30:36","slug":"paladin-four-and-after-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/camcab.co.uk\/redesign\/paladin-four-and-after-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Paladin Four And After (2)"},"content":{"rendered":"
It Is All On Line – Thankfully Out Of Date<\/span><\/p>\n … we re helped by some out of date R A T P Paris maps and a partially complete enthusiast web site. So fbb began his tour of the toute using said “site non-officiel”. But a gaze at the gloriousness of Google Streetview revealed a real bonus.<\/p><\/div>\n This lesser known estate has been in the hands of the local authority since 1946 and is open to the public with a whole range of “events” throughout the year. Unclear from the above colouring is the Grand Canal a long ornamental lake which appears flat green above. Here a better plan!<\/p>\n … and somewhat subdued (?) after a previous “chateau”.<\/p>\n There are other water featuires including a cascade and big fountain …<\/p>\n … reminiscent (but not as big as!) the gardens at Chatsworth. What Chatsworth does NOT have, however, is the gorgeous displays of cherry blossom if you visit at the right time of year.<\/p>\n Also, for those who like a paddle, is the “gue” (accent aigu missing! – it means “ford”) across the lake. A popular paddle in periods of prolonged “chaud”.<\/p>\n The first stop of the Paladin 4 is at the Avenue de Vignes entrance to the Park,<\/p>\n And this is Streetview’s treat! There are two bus stops here, one of which (the older pole) is labelled for service 4.\u00a0<\/p>\n We enter the community of Sceaux …<\/p>\n … before hanging a left and stopping at “Coulee Verte” (poetically the “green\u00a0 river”) …<\/p>\n … because running north and south from the stop is, indeed, a wide “river” of grass bordered by trees. Magnifique!<\/p>\n The next stop is called General de Gaulle …<\/p>\n … for no obvious reason. It reminds us of the principle in many French communities of giving memorable names to its bus and tram stops. Sometimes they refer to local roads or landmarks but often, as here, they a simply, well,\u00a0 memorable names.<\/p><\/div>\n In France, any community with claims to status (however false) had to have a Mairie to accommodate its Maire and his\/her staff in a certain degree of opulence.<\/p>\n From here, our Paladin 4 performs a hook shaped route through residential areas.<\/p>\n Remember the dark brown bit is only for occasional journeys hurrying directly back to base after a busy day!<\/p>\n There are several one way narrow bits but the ambience is high class property all the way.\u00a0<\/p><\/div>\n … are served by a stop called Jules Verne! Tres science-fiction!<\/span><\/p><\/div>\n<\/div>\n The on-line entry for Reseau Paladin concludes by telling us where to find its replacement’<\/p><\/div>\n Indeed, the 4 has “fusionne” with the 12 and given a “nouveau numero” of 412. Equally obviously many of the original Paladin routes …<\/span><\/p>\n … (and there were four school services as well) …<\/span><\/p>\n … had already been withdrawn, changed or merged before the latest revision to the routes now numbered in the 400s.<\/span><\/p><\/span><\/div>\n Polystyrene packed …<\/p>\n … upside down …<\/p>\n … and very small!<\/p>\n fbb’s plans include innovative enlargement with a basement floor and a sun deck for the enjoyment of its holiday tenants.<\/p><\/span><\/div>\n … operating Friday night early Saturday morning and Saturday night early Sunday morning.<\/p><\/span><\/div>\n