LEAD STORY<\/strong><\/p>\n
Waters attacks \u2018grubby\u2019 Westminster tactics
<\/strong>Welsh Government\u2019s deputy minister for climate change tells audience in London that the government is no longer making long term decisions<\/p>\n
Report urges radical action on transport
<\/strong>National Infrastructure Commission outlines bold plan to enhance UK infrastructure, focusing on public transport and long-term funding<\/p>\n
Go-Ahead boss quits as group exits Germany
<\/strong>London-based group focuses on future growth as it announces Christian Schreyer is to step down and sells German rail business to Austria\u2019s \u00d6BB<\/p>\n
CPT calls for long-term funding deal for buses
<\/strong>Trade association also calls for strategies to increase bus speeds<\/p>\n
DRT review reveals buses carrying fresh air
<\/strong>Some pilots operating more miles without passengers than with<\/p>\n
Mobico puts American business up for sale
<\/strong>Former National Express Group cuts profit forecast amid rising costs and announces plans to sell North American operations in bid to cut debt<\/p>\n
South West Wales buses yield to funding cuts
<\/strong>Former flagship Ftr Metro route will see frequency down to every 20 minutes as budget cuts lead to major changes. Rhodri Clark reports<\/p>\n
Call for clarity over electrification plans
<\/strong>Former flagship Ftr Metro route will see frequency down to every 20 minutes as budget cuts lead to major changes. Rhodri Clark reports<\/p>\n
20mph limits lead to timetable challenges
<\/strong>Operators seek permission to make timetable amendments as they adjust to the new default speed limit in Wales. Rhodri Clark reports<\/p>\n
NEWS EXTRA: Lee Waters<\/strong><\/p>\n
Waters says Wales is sticking to its strategy<\/a>
<\/strong>The Welsh Government\u2019s deputy minister for climate change used the National Transport Awards to hit back at critics and issue a rallying cry<\/p>\n
Jason Prince: Transport needs clarity and certainty<\/a>
<\/strong>Some of the real positives from the government\u2019s Network North announcements have got lost in the malaise. Details are required<\/p>\n
Claire Haigh: Either we all win, or we all lose<\/a>
<\/strong>How do we prevent short-term thinking and political expediency from driving critical decisions on tackling climate change? <\/p>\n
Alex Warner: Forget Hs2 and focus on local investments<\/a>
<\/strong>The transport community needs to recognise the country has big problems to solve and concentrate on where we can really help<\/p>\n
SPECIAL REPORT: Brent Toderian<\/strong><\/p>\n
Making the case for public transport<\/a>
<\/strong>Brent Toderian, a passionate advocate of public transport, spoke at this month\u2019s CPT Scotland Conference. Robert Jack reports<\/p>\n
Manager \u2013 Unilink, part of Bluestar<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
Commercial Manager \u2013 trentbarton<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n
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The post Out now: Issue 299 of Passenger Transport<\/a> first appeared on Passenger Transport<\/a>.<\/p>\n