Monthly Archives: August 2024

NAO adds to pressure to find HS2 solution

National Audit Office report warns that decision to axe northern leg of high speed line will result in trains having fewer seats than existing services   Unlike existing Pendolino rolling stock, HS2 trains will be unable to tilt to take corners on the WCML at a higher speed   Pressure is building on the government to revive plans to extend…

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Out now: Issue 318 of Passenger Transport

Issue 318 of Passenger Transport is published on July 26. Contents include:     LEAD STORY NAO adds to pressure to find HS2 solution National Audit Office report warns that decision to axe northern leg of high speed line will result in trains having fewer seats than existing services   NEWS King’s Speech opens door to nationalisation Passenger Railway Services…

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Sunday Variety

If It Rains Don’t Take The Trains! The balloon went up and the rains … … came down! Pity the poor snivelling minions who had to hold the brollies over the bigwig speech makers; and look as if they were enjoying themselves! Apart from the comparative tedium of all those boats pumping pollutants into the atmosphere or, more likely, mixing…

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Arrivaderci Arriva : Ciao Carousel

But Not Completely  Almost as soon as Arriva announced its withdrawal from High Wycombe, Carousel (A GoAhead company) was up front with its response that it would be taking over completely in High Wycombe. And it has just happened – nearly. Yesterday, the Carousel web site was showing the new timetables but there were no new maps available. This is…

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Carousel And Water Don’t Mix

But Not Like This! Above shows part of Drayton Manor Theme Park closed by flooding for a whole week in February 2020. On the other hand these are bottles of water on offer from Reading Buses … … part of a bit of a do in Henley, outside the town hall. A close up of the bottles’ caps may give…

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The Red Book 1977 – A Review

fbb was “very excited” to purchase a scan of a LT Red Book for 1958 from Ian Armstrong of bus routes web site fame. He was so convulsed with awe and wonder that he bought a hard copy for 1977 to contrast and compare. For most of its life, the book was strictly for LT staff only. Much had happened…

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Some Tyme In Lime (3) Delayed

And So, Instead, This :- Puzzle Picture Plus This rather sad trolley bus tolleying through dilapidated housing beside a tired railway line with views of some industrial hugeness opposite was originally entitled “North Woolwich’. District names are always a bit dodgy as they tend to move around a bit. So your rather overheated old bloke decided to see if recreating the…

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Lyme Regis Visit – At Last

It was just a week ago when the fbbs took a bus trip from Seaton to Lyme Regi on Axe Valley Travel’s route 378, departing at 1035. Upon arriving at Lyme Regis, most visitors would be heding for the beach and its associated grot. But not the fbbs. They were in search of a Fish and Chip lunch! Alighting at…

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Saturday Variety

Fatigued Feline There is no doubt that Mr Tubbles takes his domestic duties very seriously. There are patrols to be scheduled, observation from a window to fit in and much much more. Bring crepuscular, his efforts are concentrated in two periods of the day. There is activity around breakfast, say from 0700 to 0900 followed by a short nap until…

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Sunday Variety

Pad Printing : Bad Painting fbb’s 1960s Triang coach had beading which was needing some painting. fbb has always be open about hs modelling limitations, made worse by his eyesight deterioration but pretty bad before. So when he saw these advertised he was joyful at the possibilities they might present. These are fibre tipped pens but do not contain conventional…

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