Who Wins This Time?
Yep. Rather than buyong a new on, DaFT borrowed Guinevere from its display in the Science Museum!
So what goodies are being spread liberally (?) around the industry as announced this week.
£200 million for the continuation of the fare cap as follows.
£2 until October 2023 then
£. 250 unil November 2024
As the average fare today is supposed tto be £2.40, neither goody is a great deal of help to those who need it most, namely Mrs Miggins going to the shops or Bert Scroggs going to work down t’pit. And it is poor value indeed of your journey involved two legs to and two legs from.
But it IS a good deal for those wealthy enough to take trips to the seaside and spend money on chips, candyfloss and slot machines
The evidence for increase in passenger number as a result of the cap is patchy at best and, in many areas, non-existent!
£300 million “to protect bus services into 2025”.
Again two tranches. (“tranche” – French for “slice” as in bread or cake. It sounds better if you give it a “foreign” name!) The bounty is split into two half teaches (demi-tranches?) of £150 million.
£150 million to March 2024 split into
£80 million to Local Authorities
£70 million to bus operators
The operators’ money will be paid through the BSOG (which, when fbb was running buses, was Fuel Tax Rebate) which will be enhanced by approx 30%.
It’s the local authority donation that provokes more questions than it resolves.
fbb hooyes he has grasped the whole lottery delivery – but even if he hasn’t the same questions remain.
Sheffield City Region gets over £3 million this time around but not a penny previously. Maybe a consolation prize?
As a much respected bus man said to fbb, “It would be nice to think there is some logic, some well considered plan, in all this. BUT …”
And so say all of us.
Peckham Rye Old Waiting Room
The reason fbb could not find a picture of Susie Sze’s newly installed “art work” is that it hadn’t yet been installed. So here it is …
… and here it is in close-up.
Well now … ????
Thanks to correspondent Ian for the update.
For aeons Hornby has had a ducky little 4 wheel coach in its menu. fbb had considered painting a rake of these delightful little vehicles in a Peterville Quarry Railway livery. But a neater idea would be to accumulate a collection of every livery ever produced. In the rake above are three GWR versions, one LNER teak, one in a weird bottle green livery puis Annie and Clarabel, Thomas’ chums.
The caption said it was “Highland Railway Red” split from a Toys R Us set.
… although the version below does have a red end or red covers.
There is much debate on-line about exactly what colour green was used. Nobody seems at all sure, especially as the Highland weather would wreak havoc with the paintwork of past times!
Southern malachite green.
Caledonian light blue?
Somerset & Dorset dark blue
Midland maroon (awaiting delivery via EBay.)
Caledonian red and white ?
Track cleaning coach
There may be others. Again email fbb@xephos.com with pictures!
And here is the dark blue-green that fbb has already obtained.
Highland Railway green?
Switcher Switched To Battery Power
Question 1? Is there enough lithium around for all these batteries?
Big Ging, home address unknown, has taken too popping into fbb mansions for a snack. As this is Mr Tubbles’ grubble that Big Ging is snacking, Mr Tubbles is far from happy.
Mr Tubbles does not believe in physical violence; i.e. he is a pathetic wimp.
Indoor “facilities” are now provided and cat flp is locked.
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