Generation Logistics targets university students

A major campaign is targeting cities with high student populations to raise awareness of the wide range of career opportunities the logistics sector has to offer.

Generation Logistics, which is the brainchild of Logistics UK and CILT and sponsored by businesses from across the logistics sector, is launching a major advertising campaign using posters in bus shelters, shopping centres and other busy areas of university cities.

The posters aim to challenge perceptions about the industry and encourage interaction with the programme’s website as part of a wider strategy to tackle the skills shortage and attract more diverse talent to the sector.

Posters in cities including Edinburgh, Liverpool, London, Manchester and Cardiff feature eye-catching visuals linked to roles in the logistics sector in the campaign’s distinctive orange and black livery, all with the strapline “Vacancies Available. Potential Unlimited”.

A QR code on every poster directs the reader straight to the campaign’s website, where more information about the industry can be found, as well as links to specific jobs listed on sponsors’ pages.

Phil Roe, Generation Logistics executive sponsor, said: “As an industry, logistics has long been in the background, an unseen facilitator of every facet of our daily lives.

“We have already changed perceptions of our sector, creating more than two million engagements to date with our social media channels and website from those inspired to find out more about the industry.

“Taking the campaign direct to our audience, and encouraging them to interact with it, will enable us to challenge their ideas about what logistics careers are all about.”

He added: “We are confident that the combination of eye-catching visuals and high traffic areas will provoke a reaction from potential employees and encourage them to investigate more about the sector.

“The workforce of tomorrow is within our sector’s reach, but we need to challenge their preconceptions about our industry at every turn. We believe the new Generation Logistics campaign will do just that and drive yet more interest and engagement in the sector, to help us future-proof roles in logistics.”

Developed by Leeds-based creative agency ilk, the Generation Logistics campaign will feature three different creative executions, each designed to provoke a response from those passing by on foot or in a vehicle.

The futuristic visuals and typeface aim to challenge the way the public thinks about the sector and demonstrate the scale and scope of opportunity which the industry provides.

Roe said logistics was still in the shadows as an employment opportunity. “By putting the industry front and centre, alongside other big-name brands which advertise regularly in this way, we are challenging preconceptions about the sector and what it can offer potential employees.

“We need to make sure that logistics is a career choice spoken of in the same breath as law, medicine, retail and manufacturing, and we are confident that our advertising campaign will help us take strides forwards in this,” he added.

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