Issue 306 of Passenger Transport is published on February 9.
Contents include:



‘Tap-in, tap-out’ train travel trial for 2025
Over 90 rail stations in the West Midlands and Greater Manchester will be included in ‘pay as you go’ schemes, moving towards a London-style system


Mayoral precept to be invested in buses
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority confirms plans for mayoral precept for bus funding and warns against short-term decisions

NCT concerns over council spending cuts
A grave step backwards says MD David Astill

Figures illustrate stark increase in rail subsidy
Rail subsidies remain higher than at any time since 1986

Labour must extend ‘face up’ to HS2 – Steer
Government has axed ‘the most critical section of the route’

First snaps up ‘high performing’ business
FirstGroup to acquire 130-vehicle York Pullman business

Lord warns on TfL capital funding issues
London transport commissioner calls for long-term deal

Wales funds work on circuitous rail service
Welsh Government doesn’t have enough money to sustain bus networks, but is still exploring plans for costly new rail link

TfW brings Sundays into working week
Pay agreements have been reached without any industrial action


Council for Net Zero Transport formed
Convened by Zemo Partnership and chaired by Lord Deben, the Council for Net Zero Transport aims to accelerate UK transport decarbonisation


CitySwift raises £6m funding for solutions
New investment ‘will help us to nurture and grow our partnerships’


Norman Baker: Let’s have some detail from Labour
While Labour’s intention to repeal the minimum service levels legislation is clear, not much else is. We’ve heard little of substance

Alex Warner: ‘They wouldn’t be seen dead on a bus’
There are times in the bus sector when some organisations and individuals appear embarrassed to be associated with bus travel

Nick Richardson: Where now for the HS2 project?
With much of the scheme cancelled by the government, HS2’s function will be very different from the original high speed vision

Our Whitehall insider imagines what’s going on inside the minds of the mandarins at Great Minster House, home of the DfT


Providing ‘Skills for Life’
The passenger transport sector has showcased its success in delivering apprenticeships during National Apprenticeship Week

Gaining from apprenticeships
Kate Ridley-Moy, director of apprenticeships and skills bootcamps at the Department for Education, explains how transport sector employers can benefit from apprenticeships

Building a more diverse team
At First Bus we are helping to futureproof the industry with a diverse apprenticeship programme


David Brown: Ukrzaliznytsia and its ‘iron people’
On a recent visit to Ukraine I was inspired to meet so many brave, committed and talented people, who believe in the power of rail

Brian O’Rourke: Why AI isn’t a silver bullet for buses
The true measure of success of the latest transport technologies lies in the hands of the people who know the industry best


Stagecoach seeks leaders
Group launches 2024 graduate scheme which aims to train its industry leaders of tomorrow


Director of Transport – Liverpool City Region Combined Authority

Area Director, Midlands – Arriva

Network Manager, Wakefield – Arriva

Sites Manager, Castleford & Selby – Arriva

Driver Manager, Yorkshire & North East – Arriva

Head of Operations – Go North West

Business Manager – Safeguard Coaches

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The post Out now: Issue 306 of Passenger Transport first appeared on Passenger Transport.


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