An Older Bus Model

Not that one above, but something very similar. fbb bought a second Oxford Diecast cheapo “bundle” of shop-soiled (but not very) models or models with faults (but not many). One was a Routemaster bus which fbb forgot to photograph before starting work on it.
For reasons that may become obvious, the first job was to  disassemble the model …

… which involved the terrifying removal of rivets with the help of a power drill. If you are not careful it is easy to break the sintered metal body.

fbb wasn’t and he did! 
Out comes the super glue again and, hopefully, you can’t see the joins – and even if you could, the paint quality is a bit bobbly. (apologies for a technical term) so it doesn’t matter.
Clearly the model was dressed, not for the bus enthusiast but for the souvenir trade …

… with no side blind, a minimalist front blind …

… and a very incorrect fleet name.

The platform pole and the “glass” for the lower deck back window …

… were very much gorn!

All in all, not a good accurate model to grace the bus rally diorama that will ultimately adorn Peterville Quarry Railway.
So what might fbb do with his cheap and almost nasty bus acquisition?
At least it is not as nasty as some, as here with a ridiculous extra narrow window!
That unique and unrealistic feature only appears on Routemasters mide by (or for?) Budgie Toys.
An Older Bus Station
Looking at on-line pictures of the “old” bus station at Durham and its recently opened replacement …
… it is not easy, at first glance, to tell which is which! (the new one is atop the old – above). 
Durham once had an even older bus station …
… which fbb guesses was owned by United and used by …
… United and Northern. It was, as you might expect, an Omnibus Station – what more could a passenger want?
Quite a lot more, it would appear, so a swish new bus station (now the old bus station) was built on roughly the same site in the 1970s. It had head-on reverse out stands …

… and an enclosed passenger waiting area. It was used by United and Northern …

… which begat Arriva and GoAhead respectively.

The new new bus station is a clone oif its predecessor but a bit smarter.
fbb will take a look inside the premises in tomorrow’s blog.

Trafferth yn y Felin

Thngs were certainly not looking good in Wales. The headline horror is the 20mph b;anket speed limit replacing 30mph. Generally speaking this small change alone may well make some urban routes unviable.
Then there is the prospect of the final round of subsidy and grant money post Covid.
Operators were very worried.

The final statistic in the above piece seems grim. 

Is it right or is it a scary exaggeration taken opit of context?
If it is right numerically and right contextually then the operators have good reason to be worried.
But much more worrying is the prospect for the humble passenger.
But That Was Then (Summer 2023) – Now …

Even the Wales office of the Confederation of Passenger Transport i a little more upbeat.

Mt Hill is not 100% convinced …

… and offers a slightly cautionary tale.

So the original article was a fuss about nothing? Or maybe a shot across the bows of the Welsh Government which has been muttering all year about cutbacks.

We shall see …
Puzzle Picture

Please identify this station of the Great Western and Metropolitam Railways.

Amndwer tomorrow.
 Next Variety blog : Sunday 14th January 

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