Let The Train Take The Grain!
You might spot a railway track emenating from a wagon turntable. Here is the track where grain from Inverness was unloaded from railway wagons.
It is lorries that disgorge their malted marvel into the shiny hopper today! And just beyond are the remnants of the wagon turntable.
A detailed map also shows the tracks …
And the siding off the Highland Railway main line can also be seem cartographically.
Of course, nothing comes and goes by train these days. The line of the track can still be spotted c/o Google Earth.
The Distillery is undergoing a rebrand at the moment, so sales were limited.
But, horror of horrors, Ben Nevis Distillery is now owned by a Japanese company.
Hornby Playtrains is a range introduced to capture the imagination of younger potential model railway enthusiasts. The sets are pure toys with no real pretence at realism. But when some more accessories came out, fbb was intrigued.
The company claimed that the model was to OO scale (1:76) so, in theory at least, it could sit on fbb+’s Peterville Quarry layout. And at just over a fiver, it would not matter if it were a disaster, darlinbg!
It would obviously needs a full repaint! So fbb ordered one.
… with instructions; and the box suggests assembly should be within the old man’s capabilities.
Hmmm, time will tell!
fbb doesn’t DO Apps – he prefers to tp use his brain and look up a timetable. That way he has all the information handy of anything goes wrong with his journey plans.
And some really helpful picture clues.
Good advice for dealing with a heavy cold. If you take lots of pills and potions it will clear up in a fortnight. If you do absolutely nothing it will be gone in 14 days!
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