We Are On Our Way

Last autumn the fbbs were at Ardgarten Hotel (near Arrochar) and Lochs and Glens new-build mansion at the head of Loch Long. Later today, the gruesome twosome will be ensconced in the Highland Hotel Fort William. The gaff is literally just up the hill …

… quite a steep hill …

… from the town centre.

There are trips out on each of the five non “travelling” days and, cunningly, the company doesn’t tell you which trip is on which day until you get there.

So, in no particular order (as they say on “Strictly”) …
Ben Nevis Distillery …

A wee dram is (hic!) supplied. Probably VERY wee!

… and the Caledonian Canal.

Cruise on Loch Ness

Meet and greet with Nessie NOT guaranteed. But awful souvenirs may be purchased!

And there is a stand-in plastic version to admire!
Or is that the real one, standing very still for photographers?
Inverness …

The river (Ness, fbb believes) is a real treat; but equally interesting is the small but perfectly formed (?) bus station.

… and Aviemore …
… where fbb fears the dreaded shopping!
But that station is worth a look?

Eilean Donan Castle …
Been there, done that and didn’t buy a T Shirt. Might stay in the caff and read an improving book or sunbathe on the banks of the loch
… and Isle of Skye.

Maybe returning via the ferry  from Armadale to Mallaig. 

The blurb then says via Acharacle and the Corran Ferry back to Bill’s Fort. If that’s right …

… that will be two new ferry routes for fbb to “cop”.

Glencoe …

… and Oban.

Sometimes called McCaig’s tower which is most definitely isn’t. It served no useful purpose and, for the fbbs, requires a crippling ascent and descent. But it does look pretty floodlit.

This is almost an exact duplicate of a trip last year with Lochs and Glens so fbb is hoping it is on a Tuesday or a Thursday and he may opt out and do an intriguing ferry and bus circular from Fort William. This is the ferry.

Only joking, Mrs fbb, this is the ferry.

Interesting, eh?

Other Ferry Matters
Bristol Trial Boat Float

Unless you are local, you may not have heard of the Bristol Ferry Company. As well as excursions and educational trips, they run a ferry bus service within Bristol centre.

In a week ot so, the company is trying out a commuter service from Netham Lock …

… where the city centre river “cut” joins the River Avon …

It then chugs via the dark underbelly of Temple Meads station …

… and round into the city centre.

Whatever floats you boat?

Red Funnel Expands Big Small Time

The ferry from Southampton to Hythe …

… (complete with the diddy train that runs along Hythe Pier) …
…  has been struggling on and off for years. Perennially threatened with closure, its purchase by Red Funnel should give it a more secure future.

It is not clear what the real reason might be. Surely Red Funnel aren’t just being “nice”?

LEZ Count!

It’s not going too well for Mt Khan, is it?

 Next Fort William blog : Tuesday 12th September 

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