Gateways To Academe

There are four “official” gates to provide access to the University Campus, named after the points of the compass. A modern toad entrance can be found on Pritchatts Road at its western end …
But he first named entrance is North Gate …

… which is, by far, the most spectacular of all the entrances. Old Joe dominates the view as Joe Chamberlain once dominated the growing university.

According to Google Maps, North Gate has bus stops. 

There are, iyf course, numerous vehicle access points in addition to the “gates” as with this one a tad further east on Pritchatts Road.

Next round the compass is the East Gate. The Uni campus plan designates this as the “Main Entrance”.

Ironically, the only bus to stop there is the 1S …

…  a schools service! King Edwards School is opposite the  otherwise unserved entrance “gate”.

The main entrance lacks the spectacular quality of the North Gate …

… but Old Joe peeps mischievously over the trees.

And so to the South Gate located on the busy Bristol Road, once home to very frequent trams …

… trundling in reserved-track verdant splendour.

They would be the transport of choice to central Birmingham. By the mid 1950s buses 61, 62 and 63 were in evidence along the Bristol Road …

… and they would stop at the South Gate …

… still a poor partner for the entrance in the north.

Old Joe still stands guard! 

The 61 and the 63 are still there …

… and still frequent – although not as frequent as were the trams!!

A bus every six minutes is not at all bad!

One thing the students have had over the years is plenty of livery variety. From Birmingham Corporation dark blue
… via early PTE lighter blue

though later PTE

… and even later PTE

… and on to today’s National Express red!

And fbb cannot remember these …

… here presented as a 1:76 model!

Tomorrow we move to the West Gate where things are somewhat more complicated.

 Next University blog : Thursday 8th February 
Unwanted Hornby R60209
BP tank wagon – unopened
And here, as Sams Trains would say, is the end of the box.
The model has an RRP of £34.95 and postage is usually extra at about £4. Some retailers discount by a few pounds.

Because this is a stupid fbb bludner, he is offering the model at …


… including P&P.

Takings will go to  T E A R Fund Christian charity.

If you wsh to avail yourself of this bargain offer, please email fbb at …
… giving you real name and real address. fbb will then email back with details of his true identity and the address of fbb mansions. Upon receipt of your payment by post, which can be cheque or 40 second class stamps, the model will be posted promptly.

Thank you.
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