Paris Proposed “Prolongement” Proceeds

That blue blob (above map upper left) is at Mantes-la-Jolie, a community about 55km from central Paris – about the same track distance as Guildford is from London. Here is its station from days past …
… and Station Square opposite with the arrival of the evil and terrifying motor vehicles!
The caff above on the right still stands today, but with a chunk missing from wartime damage perhaps.
More recently, the station building looked like this …
… much the same as ever. But most recently things have been happening at Mantes-la-Jolie.
The proposals would appear to show an extra chunk added beyond the original building.
Before we find out why the extension is being constructed, it is worth remembering that, being France, buses do stop outside the station.  As we look in the above view, there are stops to the left …

… and to the right.

So what’s going on at the station? A picture on-line reveals all.

Therefore, coming up tomorrow, fbb will be taking a longer look at RER Line E and the current extension works.

Surely, you cannot wait!
Then There’s The Dog!

fbb is never sure that cute mascots do much for the bottom line of a railway company’s finances, but above we have another one. The blue-nosed canine is called “Whistle”.

Sadly, the Northern Trains web site is so keen to sell us a ticker that Whistle’s adorable visage remains conspicuously hidden. Maybe it’s for the best; it is not a good idea to frighten young children or those of nervous canine disposition.

Merseyside’s Route Zero?

Well, back in fbb’s Great Britain Bus Timetable Day the route from Liverpool to St Helens …

… definitely wasn’t route “Zero”.

Of course, it is yet another example of the planet-saving zero emissions myth.

A reminder that, at the moment, the production of hydrogen by the bus-full produces more pollution that a diesel engine.

Recent publicity notes that the Biomass Power Station companies have been advised NOT to claim “green” credentials for their business because, simply, it ain’t!
fbb : Investigator of Leicester Data
fbb did promise some further blogs, looking at some of the Leicester area timetables and, notably, the disappointing way that they are presented on the otherwise excellent Leicester Buses comprehensive all-operator web site.

Timetables are provided with links to the operating company web sites where the presentation is inconsistent and often simply poor. So fbb set about seeing how they could be improved.

Unfortunately, although most of the data is backed up, work was completed in software on the laptop; which is busted and having a recuperative stay c/o No 3 son at Haywards Heath.
The 31 to Oadby needs something done to the Arriva presentation. Here is the outbound timetable (extract only) …

… apparently nice and simple. But here is the same route inbound …

Here is the route map in Oadby c/o the comprehensive (and very good) Leicester Buses route map …

… and here is exactly the same area on the “main city bus routes” map on the Leicester City Council web site.

So, until his laptop returns from the clinic, fbb will leave his readers to wonder what it all means.

And there are more confusion-fests like the above.
Leicester’s Hop Doesn’t Stop

The average passenger numbers Monday to Friday for this free city centre circular during the first week or so was 400. But, on one day recently, the two-bus service (plus an extra at peak) carried 800!

Do frogs eat chocolate peanuts?

Seaton Aldi News
Excitement is growing in and around fbb mansions as the former Co-op car park (free since the demise of the store) has bern closed and is now being refurbished.

There is, however, little sign of work on the shop’s empty shell, work which may, one day, turn the old Co-op pumpkin (right background in picture below) …

… into a beautiful Cinderella of an Aldi supermarket.

Of course, fbb cannot wait to enhance his retail therapy experience!
With apologies for current production difficulties …
 Next Exciting Eole Extension blog : Monday 1st May 

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