Weather Warning!
But there is an appropriate caff in the town!
Hey, we can always stay at the hotel and enjoy its appurtenances. Here is a delightful view from a younger customer.
fbb will list the trips out (one each day) in tomorrow’s variety blog.
It’s a bit trendy for the old bloke and …
… he did winder about going for the blue spikey …
… but, in the end, settled for boring convention. Sadly the car ride was too small for fbb’s bulk!
But as your noble blogger toddled thereto he espied a huge mixture of vehicles in said coach park. (click to enlarge to paste-up).
The majority were Dartline (that’s GoAhead), including the two red double deckers; but the wonderfully named Crudge Coaches (sounds like something from a Carry On film) is also parked …
… and they sell stamps as well!
… recently (second handly) acquired and awaiting its full Axe Valley branding. There is a weedy bit at the front.
The bus was previously with Metroline, London …
… and has come via the Ensign (now First Bus) dealership.
We were told that the former Co-op would re-open as Aldi before Easter (that’s 2023!). It didn’t. But most of the clutter in the car park has gone and black-top has come …
It is hard to imagine that it is the same building. Well, in a way it isn’t; only the steel frame was left untouched and a few bits of wall abd roof.
It began trundling uselessly round the Milton Park industrial estate …
… but, back in June, it was extended to Didcot Parkway station.
Roger French published a photo of the new timetable, now numbered 002, on his blog …
… but no sign of any on-line times or map.
… auto is off and the driver drives! Technology proves a huge success yet again.
And of vourse it is truly wonderful …
… ludicrously expensive to operate and hopelessly impractical.
But the only on-line information announces the Mi 003 as “coming” …
… but only with a map of he original “in-estate” shuttle.
Ray Stenning (a k a The Bearded Bus Beautifier from the Bush) seems to be spreading his wings in his local community.
If you walk down the road in which he is based (Starfield Road, Shepherds Bush) you will find bus stop SW.
Is this Ray’s work or just his wide ranging influence? Because Streetview shows the stop beautified by a batch of sunflowers.
They look a bit tired and straggly on Streetview – but in a recent “proper” picture …
… they are in the bloom of health and clearly well-tended.
fbb has now written SEVEN blogs, all based loosely in and around Fort William, which will miraculously appear day by day while the fbbs are enjoying their hols. IF the internet turns out to be as vibrant and reliable as the predicted rainfall, appropriate on-site blogs will be substituted – or the pre-prepared offerings modified.
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