More Stunning Engineering

Yesterday, fbb looked at new engineering on the Forth and Clyde canal. There was the canal and the Kelpies at Grangemouth, the Falkirk Wheel linking to the Union Canal, bridges at Stockingfield Junction and rejuvenation and rebuild at Port Dundas in Glasgow itself.

In passing we met two old aqueducts, one at Kirkintilloch and one at Stockingfield.

Before we complete the job with more stunnings between Stockingfield and Bowling, just take a look at this, between Stockingfield and Port Dundas.

This is the ancient Firhill Basin, labelled “Timber Basin” …

… used to park heavy logs etc. whilst awaiting treatment at a sawmill. The other bit, labelled simply “basin” is only separated from the canal by a low bank of earth, just a curbed smudge on the map above.
This aerial view shows a football stadium (home of Partick Thistle footy club???) and the “other basin” either overgrown or filled in or a bit of both.

And here is today’s Google Earth view …

… with a cream coloured line all the way round the bend. 

It is a magnificent boardwalk connected to new footpaths …

… which take walkers and cyclists safely and dry-footed on the site of the minimalistic bank that separated “basin” from canal.

You can see the old “timber basin” and the footy ground beyond the canal.

Good innit?
Technically, this stuff is all in Maryhill.
As, in ancient times,  fbb set out to call on his future Mrs at Bearsden, he was intrigued to drive under this bridge …

… and here it is with a tram on its way to Milngavie.

And here it is on a map.

The Maryhill aqueduct!

Just a quick puff on a puffer and you are at Maryhill Basin(s) with a long pond …

… which was once Maryhill dry dock, used for ship repair.

And a small bit further on again we have this.

Now that’s what you call an aqueduct. Its four arches carry the canal over the valley through which flows the River Kelvin. 

Just to the right of the aqueduct was the long lost Dawsholm terminus of the long lost Glasgow Central Railway (RED).

But that is another story.

It’s All On Line – Interlude
This picture appears on a web site of old shots of the Forth and Clyde Canal. It is labelled “The Kelvin Aqueduct”.
Here it is from another angle.

Top level is a predecessor of the present Kelvin Bridge carrying the main Great Western Road over the valley of the Kelvin River. Middle level is the old road at this point. Bottom level, and very dark, is the river.

The bridge was later rebuilt in iron, the main road widened and the old road has long gone …

… and Kelvinbridge station (also on the Glasgow Central Railway) has appeared …

… and has disappeared.

The line ran into a tunnel top left of the above picture. Most of the goods yard is now a car park for the Kelvinbridge Underground station (aka the ‘Subway”) which lies below and right on the above picture.

Kelvin Aqueduct is top left on the map …

… Kelvin Bridge is bottom right. There is no canal at Kelvin Bridge!

The moral of the tale is always to treat internet sources with polite suspicion and seek corroboration. fbb spotted the error straight away; but Mrs fbb’s dad’s electrical shop was close to Kelvin Bridge so recognition was easy.
Down And Under

The A814 Dumbarton Road was one of the main routes out of Glasgow serving the various communities that drew their wealth and their trade from the river Clyde. As is obvious from the map above, Dumbarton Road was crossed by the canal at Dalmuir.

Dalmuir is where the North Clyde electric service via Glasgow Queen Street Low Level meets up with the revived Argyle Line via Glasgow Central Low Level.
Back in the day, and long before motorised transport ruled the roost, A simple lifting bridge sufficed at this crossing.

Along came trams and more road traffic and something bigger was needed. Say hello to Dalmuir swing bridge complete with tram.

And here it is swung; showing the girder structure that ensured electrical continuity for the overhead cable which could be too low for some boats and thus had to be moved out of the way.

So the wire swung with the bridge.

And then the trams were gone, but the bridge still swung!

But when the canal was closed in 1963, the City set about widening the road at this bottleneck point. And to widen the road …

… you simply fill in the canal, leaving just a culvert (big pipe) to maintain water flow.

But what happens when you want to re-open the canal?
Answer, you build a drop lock
It is probably the only working drop lock in the world!

The principle is simple. You build a large tank under the road with a lock gate at each end. The bridge deck is too low to let boats through, so, once a boat is in the lock, you close the gates and pump out the water. After the boat has sunk low and passed under the bridge, you refill the tank, open the other gates and off you go, bowling along to Bowling. (or vice versa_

Watch it on video.

A simple solution to an apparently intractable problem.

There have been plenty of less spectacular but very necessary solutions.
Here is the canal NOT passing under the widened Great Western Road at Knightswood.

… and here is the new bridge.

There are many such!

And what might this be?

It is a chippy! Wikipedia reveals the owners’ innermost thoughts.

McMonagle’s Boat, docked in the Fourth & Clyde Canal in the heart of Clydebank, is a world class fish & chip restaurant and Scottish tourist attraction. With both formal dinning upstairs and casual seating outside, McMonagle’s Restaurant provides a catering experience to suit everyone.

Memo to Mr McMonagle: try spelling Forth correctly. And what about “dinning”?
The chippie is at Clydebank …

… just off Argyll Road.

Canal and chips – what could be better!
 Next Variety blog : Sunday 30th July 

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