Daily Archives: September 12, 2024

British Business Unites for Lower Thames Crossing Consent

Businesses from across the UK have made a united call for the government to approve the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Lower Thames Crossing which has been at the planning stage for over a decade. 73 organisations nationwide have sent a letter to Secretary of State for Transport Louise Haigh outlining why the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project must go ahead. The…

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Budget Opportunity to Support Warehousing & Logistics

Autumn Budget Opportunity to Support Warehousing & Logistics Sector says UKWA The UK Warehousing Association (UKWA) has written to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Rt Hon Rachel Reeves MP, ahead of next month’s Autumn Budget to highlight the importance of the sector to the national economy and present the compelling case for government to support warehousing & logistics businesses.…

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The Lengthy One, The 321 – Four

 PLEASE NOTE Earlier, the fbbs travelled from Seaton to Llandudno for a short break c/o Daish’s Holidays. The company informed them that Wifi was only available in communal rooms. In case this presents a problem, fbb has prepared and posted min-blogs to appear from Monday 9th Sept to Friday 13th Sept inclusive. However, North Waiian matter may be added if…

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