Daily Archives: September 14, 2024

Friday Reads – 13 September 2024

• TfL cyber-attack: teenager from Walsall arrested in connection with data breach (The Guardian) • London Gains Momentum in Electrifying Its 9,000-Strong Bus Fleet (Hyperdrive) • Tender process for London’s new trams: 4 suppliers are pre-qualified (Urban Transport) • Mayors’ Birmingham – Manchester rail link promises 85% of HS2 benefits (RailwayGazette) • GWR trains diverting to Euston in rare route…

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Saturday Variety

Hydrogen Hopefully? fbb has always been uneasy about the enthusiasm of some parts of the motor industry for the benefits of hydrogen as a “green” fuel. A reminder is in order. Currently the only viable source of hydrogen is either worse environmentally than fossil fuels OR impossibly expensive. Nevertheless, Wrights have been demonstrating their bus with  hydrogen drive-line. No doubt…

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